GoldenAge Wiki

Rhine Female
Rhine Male

Rhine Female

Selection screen for the Rhine Commerce Guild, Female Avatar: ©2012 Aeria Games & Entertainment, Inc.

Rhine Male

Selection screen for the Rhine Commerce Guild, Male Avatar: ©2012 Aeria Games & Entertainment, Inc.

Rhine Female
Rhine Male

Special Abilities[]

SpecialBuildings Rhine

From Top Clockwise: Carpentry Guild, Guild of Forging, Guild of Farming, Stonecutters Association.

The Rhine advantage is in resources. As a result, Rhine have 4 extra resource buildings:

  • The Carpentry Guild
  • The Guild of Farming
  • The Guild of Forging
  • The Stonecutters Associaton

Each special building increases the production of resources for one plot the city by three. For example, if the highest Farm produces 500 grain per hour, the Guild of Farming at the same level will increase the the production by 1500 grain per hour. More simply, the bonus production of resources is roughly 30% of the basic output, but this is assuming all the plots regarding the resource are at or around the same level. The highest level for these buildings is 30.

Like the Templar and Ibero, the development of these buildings is dependent on the level of the City Square. In addition, the level of these buildings is dependent on the level of the associated basic building. The Carpentry Guild will not level above the highest Lumber Mill; the Guild of Farming will not level above the highest Farm; the Guild of Forging will not level above the highest Smithy; and the Stonecutters Association will not level above the highest Quarry.

Rhine Troops[]

The Rhine do not have any extra troops like the Knight Templars and Ibero. Infantry are built in the Barracks, Archers are built in the Archery Range, Calvalry are built in the Knights Stables, and Mages are found in the Cloister. The opportunity to train each troop opens in the order: Infantry, Archer, Calvary, and lastly, Mage.

Their troops are as follows:


Infantry Archer Cavalry Mage
Name Gladiators Rhine Archers Rangers Alchemists
Fight Capacity 75 85 200 450
Speed 24 19 40 12
Carrying Capacity 65 50 180 120
Cost to Train
Population* 1 1 3 5
Grain 35 60 240 450
Lumber 135 160 600 1125
Stone 80 95 420 790
Iron 125 135 540 1010
Defense Capacity
Vs. Infantry 45 35 145 145
Vs. Archer 60 45 90 220
Vs. Cavalry 30 60 115 255
Vs. Mage 15 25 65 280
*Population = # Recruits needed to build


Infantry Archer Cavalry Mage
Name Shieldmen Crossbowmen Guards Holy Sisters
Fight Capacity 30 35 60 150
Speed 24 19 50 20
Carrying Capacity 35 25 40 90
Cost to Train
Population* 1 1 2 4
Grain 25 35 105 315
Lumber 90 120 315 750
Stone 75 75 210 515
Iron 110 90 375 595
Defense Capacity
Vs. Infantry 85 90 120 315
Vs. Archer 95 75 145 270
Vs. Cavalry 55 90 175 385
Vs. Mage 60 55 90 465
*Population = # Recruits needed to build

Strengths and Weaknesses[]


Rhines specialize in resources. As a result, Rhines are least likely to have grain issues when engaging in battles. Furthermore, Rhines will have an overall greater output, which increases the amount of troops a Rhine can afford to build at any given time compared to the Knight Templars and Iberos. If the Rhine develops correctly, the Rhine will be able to outlast their Knight and Ibero counterparts and not have to worry about facing mutinies, especially in cross-continental battles.


Rhine do not have an extra troop for offense, giving them one less option compared to the Knights and the Ibero. In addition, the Rhine, while having an increased overall output, must choose in the beginning of the game between increasing their overall resource output or maximizing their offense and defense. Because the Rhine have four (4) extra buildings that are dependent on the City Square and their resource buildings (the Knights and Ibero buldings are only dependent on the level of the City Square), the Rhine are left using their extra resources to create extra resources. This ultimately puts the Rhine behind their Knight and Ibero counterparts as far as militaries are concerned, particularly early on in the game.
